Tuesday, May 24, 2011


There were days when we were young
The world was at our feet
And literally 'sky was the limit'
Nothing seemed impossible!!

Then we grew up
The world that looked so rosy
And full of sunshine
Suddenly transformed into a whirlwind
Things at our feet were beyond our reach
The pragmatic picture
Of a realistic world made us crib
Goals and ambitions were shattered into tatters!!

Frustrations, stress, strain
Keep you occupied
And suddenly you are lagging behind in the race
You want to run
But your apprehensions don't permit you to do so.

We metamorphose from adolescents to adults
The unpalatable term 'uncle'
From kindergarten kids make you feel
How far have you come!!

These are words of a 'loser'
It's time to resurrect from the ashes
To prove a point
Not to the world, but yourself.

Goal is what drives you in life
Goal has no age to be inculcated
The day you retire from your goal
Is the day you retire from your world
You ought to have a purpose, a goal in life
And that is what will transcend you
From a 'loser' to a winner!!


Who will cry when you die!!!
It's very easy to cry and fathom at others
And let your emotions be known
Succumb to the doldrums and conflicting emotions
To release the burden of scrutiny and expectations
The indelible grievances that prolong.

The bleak future that makes you bleat
And exterminates the obvious self belief
It is now surreal not to cry
In your pursuit to scuttle the pain
The pain refuses to be abnegated and abdicated
And the quintessential moment has thus arrived
To free yourself from the malice
And usher the floodgates.

Here; my dear friend is where we make our
Biggest folly
Getting rid of all the pain
Rather than allow them to grow and ignite
To take the form of fire, it acts as catalyst
In our endeavors to achieve bigger things!!!

We cry when we are happy
And tag them as 'tears of joy'
On any given day
I would prefer the latter over the former
As it marks success and happiness
Rather than failure and grievances!!!


Evenings!!!!Supposed to be the 'time'
Enjoy nature's 'scenic beauty'
Get a taste of the 'fresh air'
And the dribbles and d rabbles of a snack
Time to recharge your battery
With a bit of flamboyance and flair.

Now I envisage the evenings it used to be!!!!
Cramped in my closet
Cribbing about the minutest anomaly
And battling to emancipate.
The mind is clotted as the Mumbai traffic
And ideas play a hide and seek game.

There were times when
Evenings took the cynosure
Blended with sweat and physical activity
Contrasting to the present loitering
Evenings were always special
Rejuvenating the mind and the soul
Now leaves an indelible void!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I wake up early in the morning
To condone the slow pace of my clock
I muck around the house
'Twidling my thumbs'
Blasted by my mom.

Can't switch on the TV or the COMP
Till the 'don' of the house is gone.
Breakfast used to be a distant dream
Here I have to gulp butter and cream
Or else, need to endure my mom's scream.

Once sporting a 'goti' now clean-shaven
There was no alternative given.
Evenings used to be full of activities,
Now searching for a 'hub' to measure up the beauties.

Gyming was my passion,
Had a good sense of the latest fashion.
Here, my sleeveless and my shorts keep me occupied,
My wallet keeps my hand tied.

A sportsman by birth
Turning into a vociferous erudite
Is no meager task.
The changes are self inculcated
To enable my dreams to be protected.


It is so hard to comprehend
As to why one should apprehend
And succumb to the outer glitches
Will this ever come to an end?

Being robust when others are cynical
Carve a niche when everything seems bleak
The biggest challenge is to find a cure
To the various ordeals, which are obscure

Never fear to be aberrant
Revamp from ashes, monoeuvre a plan
And embody the perpetual poignant
Don't allow malice to miam your judgment
Work fervently for your betterment

Redundance can sometimes be envisaged
People might look at you in disdain
You will be plummeted to the nadir point
The greatest solace lies in the fact that
Nothing worse can now happen