Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I wake up early in the morning
To condone the slow pace of my clock
I muck around the house
'Twidling my thumbs'
Blasted by my mom.

Can't switch on the TV or the COMP
Till the 'don' of the house is gone.
Breakfast used to be a distant dream
Here I have to gulp butter and cream
Or else, need to endure my mom's scream.

Once sporting a 'goti' now clean-shaven
There was no alternative given.
Evenings used to be full of activities,
Now searching for a 'hub' to measure up the beauties.

Gyming was my passion,
Had a good sense of the latest fashion.
Here, my sleeveless and my shorts keep me occupied,
My wallet keeps my hand tied.

A sportsman by birth
Turning into a vociferous erudite
Is no meager task.
The changes are self inculcated
To enable my dreams to be protected.


It is so hard to comprehend
As to why one should apprehend
And succumb to the outer glitches
Will this ever come to an end?

Being robust when others are cynical
Carve a niche when everything seems bleak
The biggest challenge is to find a cure
To the various ordeals, which are obscure

Never fear to be aberrant
Revamp from ashes, monoeuvre a plan
And embody the perpetual poignant
Don't allow malice to miam your judgment
Work fervently for your betterment

Redundance can sometimes be envisaged
People might look at you in disdain
You will be plummeted to the nadir point
The greatest solace lies in the fact that
Nothing worse can now happen