Sunday, April 27, 2014


O brothers and sisters of my motherland
It's time to listen to our inner voice
Identify our duties and obligations
Respond to the call of the nation
O brothers and sisters of my motherland

Gone are the days of freedom struggle
When people laid down their lives
To free our mother from the shackles of the British
An objective, internalized in the hearts and minds
Of millions of Indians,drove them to extreme levels

Gone are the days of wars
When our unity and integrity was put to test
We roared like lions,put every threat to rest
Our enemies got a glimpse of our chivalry and valour
They never dared to repeat their fallacies
As their fate met with imminent failure

Now when India is a republic for 65 years
In an era of alliance and alignment
When a war is highly unlikely
What will drive us now?

Today the society is filled with blasphemy
Corruption is rampant,disparity widens every day
The youth is disenchanted and confused;
They are victims of extremism and fundamentalism
Leaders want poverty to sustain
Or else they will lose issues to come to power

Our mother is crying
She is free but not free
She is asking us to come to her rescue
So shall we!!

It's time to rise,above all communal and religious lines
Work for the change that we want to see
Fight for the rights of people
For the upliftment of poor and downtrodden

Our blood should boil against corruption
Our valour should be displayed to help the poor
We should roar like lions on every field 
And bring laurels for the country

And that should drive us!!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Its okay. Your articles are better as compared to this poem. Its a bit amateurish.None the less, you have a good appetite for words & provide your opinions. Two suggestion-
    1. Don't over do it
    2. For the time being stick to articles

    These are my personal opinion. No bad intentions to lower your confidence, Hope you take it in a positive way
